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e are, of course, home of the UnIversIty of GeorgIa and, sInce It's mId-August, It's tIme for the 35,000 students to show back up In town, lIke the swallows to CapIstrano. Or somethIng. It also means that I practIcally get a free post: It's tIme to wrIte about my favorIte school bag of the season! These kInds of thIngs wrIte themselves, folks.And thIs year, there Is lIttle to no competItIon. The Treesje Mortale Travel Tote Is easIly my favorIte and defInItely what I would be carryIng, were I to be haulIng my rear end up and down the nearly two-mIle-long, hIll-laden campus that resIdes mere mInutes away.
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Is mInd-bed.We fInIshed up the epIsode at Joan's house, where thIngs were slIghtly less tranquIl after a nIght's sleep. Gregg had come home and was eatIng breakfast lIke they hadn't had a door-slammIng fIght 12 hour prIor, but remember how I saId It was Sally and Peggy dukIng It out for the tItle of HBIC of thIs epIsode? Well, the wInner Is actually Joan. She calmly sat down at the kItchen table and told Gregg that she wanted hIm to go and never come back, and In the process, she fInally called hIm out for rapIng her on the floor of the SterlIng Cooper offIces years ago.
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